Magic in the Air How Do You Do

《How Do You Do》全球精选音乐:一首充满了友谊和交流的歌曲。你好吗?你喜欢我正如我也喜欢你。让我们牵起彼此的手,成为朋友。你会怎么做呢?每当我度假的时候,当我乘坐飞机飞往遥远的地方,我感到无比的幸福,因为这是庆祝的时刻。我感觉自己可以跳舞了。全球各地的人们可能不知道该说些什么,当一个陌生人出现在他们面前时,但是我们都知道,有一种方式可以沟通,每个人都能理解。那么,你好吗?你喜欢我,我也喜欢你。过来,牵起我的手。因为我想成为你的朋友。你会怎么做呢?

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Music has always been a powerful tool for connecting people from different cultures and backgrounds. It has the ability to transcend language barriers and bring people together in a way that words alone cannot. "How Do You Do" by beFour is a perfect example of this.The song starts with a simple question: "How do you do" It's a universal greeting that we can all understand. The lyrics continue,

expressing the desire to be friends and the mutual liking between the singer and the listener. "You like me and I like you," they sing, inviting the listener to come and take their hand.As the song progresses, the lyrics touch on the joy of going on holiday and the excitement of traveling to faraway places. It's a time for celebration, and the singer feels so happy that they could dance. The li

ne "Different people all around the globe don't know what to say when there's that there is a way you can communicate" highlights the common struggle of communicating with strangers, but also emphasizes that there is always a way to connect with others.The chorus repeats the question "How do you do" but this time adds a twist: "You like me and I like you, say how do you do you do" It's a playful

invitation to engage in conversation and establish a connection. The song ends with a final question, asking the listener how they would respond to this invitation.In a world that often feels divided, "How Do You Do" reminds us of our shared humanity. It reminds us that no matter where we come from or what language we speak, we all have the capacity to understand and connect with one another. I

t's a call to embrace friendships and bridge the gaps between cultures.Listening to this song, I couldn't help but think about how important it is for us to actively seek out opportunities to connect with people who are different from us. It's through these interactions that we can learn, grow, and build a more inclusive and understanding world.So, how do you do Are you willing to take that st

ep and reach out to someone new Are you open to making new friends and expanding your horizons Let's embrace the spirit of "How Do You Do" and create a world where friendship knows no boundaries.What are your thoughts on this song and its message Have you had any experiences where music helped you connect with others Share your stories and opinions in the comments below.你喜欢我,我也喜欢你,《你好吗》问候你好吗?



这时,一个简单的问候可以让我们更加自信地与他人交流,让对方感受到我们的友善和开放。通过问候,我们可以打破冰冷的氛围,让交流更加轻松和愉快。 总之,问候是建立友谊的重要方式之一。通过简单而亲切的问候,我们可以表达对他人的关心和关注,拉近彼此之间的距离。通过真诚的交流和分享共同的兴趣,我们可以在问候中建立起真正的友谊。所以,下次当你遇到陌生人时,不妨主动说一声“你好”,并且展开一段有意义的对话。你会发现,一个简单的问候,可以带来意想不到的友谊和快乐。 最后,我想向读者们提出一个问题:你在交朋友时是否重视问候?你是如何通过问候来建立友谊的?欢迎留言分享你的经验和观点!





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外国军官欧纳尔、迪迪埃等合唱《Magic In The Air》。梁良 摄

新华社北京12月31日电(文诚、毛丽燕)近日,国防大学国际防务学院学术报告厅张灯结彩,喜气洋洋,来自70多个国家的外国高级军官及其夫人子女,与中国军官共500余人欢聚一堂,举办“共享和平 携手前行”主题联欢会,共同庆祝中国改革开放40周年,喜迎2019新年的到来。

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国际防务学院举办“中外军官庆祝中国改革开放40周年暨迎新年联欢会”。梁良 摄

联欢会在意大利上校马西莫等5名军官朋友的视频合集《我对中国的印象》中拉开序幕。军事文化学院表演了中国民族舞《祝福》《傣家的女儿傣家的雨》,孟加拉准将哈立德的独唱《A Cloudy Day》、刚果(金)上校迪迪埃等合唱《Magic in the air》充满异国风情,法语班用较为纯正的中文合唱《月亮代表我的心》将晚会推向高潮。外军军官朋友们自编自演的小品《301室轶事》《学做第八套广播体操》,反映了生动的校园故事。中外军官歌曲串烧《小城故事》《我们不一样》《打靶归来》等有韵味、有特色,最后在大家合唱《我在北京的家》中圆满落幕。

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中外歌曲联唱《月亮代表我的心》、《小城故事》、《我们不一样》等。梁良 摄


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外军夫人子女、第三幼儿园老师共同表演舞蹈《茉莉花开》。梁良 摄

